Is it worth sealing a Seattle concrete floor?

Yes, sealing your Seattle concrete floor indoors or outdoors will improve the condition of your property and reduce damage to the concrete itself.

Concrete is a semi-porous surface. As such, liquids and other substances can easily penetrate the concrete's pores, staining or damaging them in the process. A penetrating sealer prevents these substances from entering through hairline cracks, dissolving salts and oils, and rusting metal parts inside of your concrete.

Keeping Seattle concrete clean is relatively simple. It can be mopped regularly, but it will still get stained over time due to the porosity of the material. Even sealed, concrete will get dirty after multiple years.

Concrete sealing keeps your flooring strong for a longer period of time by filling in porous spots and preventing dirt from permeating the surface.

In order for concrete sealing to be effective, it must first be prepared using a concrete grinder. Then the sealer is applied and allowed to dry before being able to use the area again.

The cost of concrete sealing varies based on how large your area is, your location, and what type of sealer is used.

The benefits of concrete sealing include:

- reduced water damage to the flooring.

- increased resistance to staining and damage due to the floor being sealed.

- makes future cleanings easier as spills will be less likely to absorb into the concrete and other areas will not become as dirty (pet stains, etc).

- helps protect the metal in your concrete from rusting and deteriorating.

Concrete sealing is recommended for bare or finished concrete floors that are currently not being protected by another barrier such as carpeting or tiles on top of them.

Concrete sealing is not recommended for freshly poured concrete or unfinished cement flooring, as it may prevent it from curing properly. It is recommended to allow at least 28 days curing time for all concrete after being installed to allow moisture in the concrete to escape before sealing it, Bare concrete should be sealed before applying any tiles or carpet.

Seattle residents interested in concrete sealing services can contact us for a free quotation.


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